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Hi, I'm Craig Pinto



Software Engineering Intern
  • Developed embedded C/C++ modules on Canada Arm 3 following Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Led 4 interns in creating a Python test verification script and parser that aids developer workflow and checks over 800 tests within seconds
  • Facilitated scrum stand-ups and retrospectives for 8 team members in a scaled Agile environment

Federal Government of Canada

Software Developer Intern
  • Developed an internal automation portal to streamline the process of creating Azure resources
  • Enabled support for real-time streaming of thousands of large datasets for use in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform.
  • Created a Python Flask web application with MongoDB that uses the Azure Resource Manager API to efficiently create Azure event hubs and namespaces in order to decrease costs

A51 / DigThisData

DigThisData is a powerful businesss intelligence and sales platform for alcohol vendors that simplifies retail channel and licensee / on–premise reporting, sales cycle management, and CRM.

As a Full-Stack Developer, my primary role was expanding the platform to support additional provincial sales as well support Direct-to-Consumer sales on Shopify.

  • Expanded company sales and support from 3 to 9 provinces.
  • Automated the retrieval of daily inventory and sales data using Python Selenium to ingest CSV files, and created a sales report dashboard.
  • Developed a Shopify app using Python Flask that connects online client sales with our platform for users to track logistics and inventory.
  • Created API endpoints and webhooks to record orders into our database.

The Kickoff

The Kickoff is a sports platform for students and aspiring members of the media industry to have their own articles displayed on the website. I was the sole developer in creating and designing the website, working with a member of the industry to implement their vision of a sports and pop culture platform.

In Progress


GameBoii is an Android game created as a final project in my Software Design course at UofT. I worked on various aspects of the app such as one of the 3 levels, the bonus spinner, win/loss pages, as well as file saving and user statistics.



Ryeify is an online platform to find trending music, view your favourite Spotify tracks and artists, as well as search lyrics to songs. My role:

  • Created an MVC framework in order to streamline collaboration and parallel development.
  • Integrated the Spotify API and OAuth 2.0 authentication, as well as developed the user login/registration process and database.
  • Produced personalized pages for Spotify users to access their favourite songs, and find recommended music based on their favourite artists and genres.
Ryeify logo Ryeify Website GitHub


RecipeReady is an Android application developed at UofTHacksVII. It is designed to streamline the process of finding recipes. Users can filter their searches by time and type of cuisine, as well as can directly search recipes. Recipes can also be favourited, and converted into a shopping list of accumulated ingredients.


ASA DataFest @ UofT

We analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Food Prices, using CPI to measure the changes in the average prices of different goods.
I used Excel for data cleansing to aggregate, filter and organize the data into a time series format, as well as used Tableau to effectively present our data.

Tableau logo Tableau


KeylessTetris is a program created at HackTheNorth2019 using Python. This program allows a user to play Tetris without their keyboard, by using their webcam to track their hand motions, which corresponds to moves within the game.

About Me

I'm a graduating Computer Science student at Ryerson University. I love software development and working with data, specifically with server-side and systems development.
I created this website to showcase my projects and abilities, and develop a more accessible resume.
I'm currently seeking 2023 Software Development and Engineering roles.


Check out my Resume